Effects of high cholesterol on cardiac good condition

  Effects of high cholesterol on cardiac good condition Fats are essential to our daily diet, they are responsible for many functions such as supporting our cells, body, hair, and internal functions. However, excessive cholesterol intake can lead to severe health problems. Cholesterol accumulates primarily in the heart and arteries, meaning that even individuals with a low body fat percentage can still experience high cholesterol. Nonetheless, incorporating good fats into our diet can promote overall health without any adverse effects. The following paragraphs discuss the pros and cons of incorporating fats and cholesterol into a healthy lifestyle. We'll also provide tips for avoiding bad fats and clarifying which fats we're referring to. What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a waxy substance present in the cells of our body that plays a vital role in its proper functioning. Cholesterol contributes to building cell membranes, producing hormones such as estrogen and testosterone,

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